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an Assistent not limited to conversion of VDR-recordings to DVD-images



This application shows an overview of EPG-events, which can be filtered with various criterias. Additional overviews exists for channels and timers. Channels can be marked as favorite and those favorites will be selected in the channels list from the EPG-overview. This selection can be cleared and reset by using the appropiate icon.

Meanwhile the EPG-processor works and the EPG-manager takes its data from the database and is independant from the uptime of the VDR.

The handshake between VDR and EPG-manager works that way, that the EPG-processor imports the epg-, channel- and timer- data into the database. The EPG-manager uses the same database as the EPG-processor but they are independant and may act from different machines.


Changes like a new timer can only be successful with the VDR running and having the VdrProxy installed.


One or more channels from the list could be selected (using shift- or ctrl-key) with the effect, that only the events of the selected channels will be shown.

The slider may be used to change the lower bound for the starting time of the event, the spinner determines the minimal length of the event. Both will reduce the amount of shown events too. The slider has been improved, so now each mark represents a day and gone events from the last day can be shown to. My epgevent-table contains between 30,000 and 40,000 records and the search is so quick - you won't imagine. That's the merit of the guys of publicobject and their glazedlists - the best, I ever saw at the java world!

Finally a free search string may be entered. That string will be searched in title, subtitle and description and the epg-list will be reduced to the matching events.

The EPG-manager has 3 main views: the EPG-overview, that will be shown at startup, as well as an overview over the defined channels and last not least the overview over the defined timers. Using the channel overview, channels can be marked as favorite (click at the first column).
All favorite channels will get selected at startup, so you only see the EPG-events of those channels. Click at the stop sign at the header of the channels list to deselect all channels and so display all EPG-events. A click to the green arrow will select the favorite channels again.

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