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an Assistent not limited to conversion of VDR-recordings to DVD-images

distributed template

Main menue

The main menue page of the standard template with 4:3 aspect and standard skin.

The standard menue template consists of 3 background images, 2 Themefiles in XML-format and 2 Skinfiles also in XML-format. These XML-files can be imported using the appropiate menue actions from ThemeEditor or SkinEditor.

See below, how a menue from this template might look like.

The background image is a theme image, the framed picture is a recording image with size and aspect adaptation, that means, a recording image with 16:9 aspect would have the same height, but the right edge would be more to the right.



The description page of a recording. This time, the recording image has fullsize.



The description page for bonus material (i.e. the vita of an actor with a portrait). The background image is a theme image, the framed picture is a recording image with size and aspect adaptation.



The main menue page, this time with 16:9 aspect. The background image is a skin image, the framed picture again the recording image with size and aspect adaptation.
The recording image will always be taken from the active recording, that means in this sample from the 2. recording.


The description page of a recording with 16:9 aspect. The background image is a skin image and the picture with the putti is the recording image with size and aspect adaptation. This time without decoration.

alternate Skin

The same theme in 16:9 aspect, but with the "alternate" skin. To point out the differences, the inactive navigation elements got rounded corners. The enumeration items are without border, the navigation buttons do have borders.

The description page for bonus items.

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