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an Assistent not limited to conversion of VDR-recordings to DVD-images



is a pluggable application for VdrAssistant.

Use it to change the look of the menue elements.

As mentioned at the theme-editor the menue is divided into theme and skin, where the theme defines number, type and position of the elements, and the skin is responsible for the look of them.

Properties of the look of the elements are whether to paint a border around the element, whether the background should be opaque/painted at all, whether the element will be shaded and of cause all that colors and fonts.

All possible pageelementes are categorized, whereas active elements are part of two categories: selected and not selected. Each category has a tabpage with an property editor for each skinnable property of the page elements.


As with images, on colors the alpha-channel is supported too. So overlay and other fancy effects can be realized.

Furthermore the skin-editor is responsable for switching the active menue page. The theme-editor will synchronize itself and shows the same page as selected with the skin-editor.

Another assistance is the posibility to create one page and copy it to all other pages. Skin and theme could be copied independantly.

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